When life calls, are you ready to answer? To be ready: 1) Keep your mind free, present, and available. 2) Believe that you are courageous. Then when life calls, you'll be ready for anything, ready to call up your courage to face whatever life brings.   Until da next tyme...

Are you a drainer, a radiator or an energiser? A drainer complains, criticises, and takes and takes. A radiator brings presence, warmth and joy. An energiser encourages, appreciates and infuses positivity.   Now, no one wants to be a drainer but sometimes it happens. So, next...

Are you thinking and playing small in your life, work or relationships? If you are, then it’s probably keeping you stuck in your comfort zone. If you’re wanting big and impactful results, maybe it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and take the first...

Had a quiet day recently? You don’t have to get away from the noise or the busyness. Just challenge yourself to speak less and be a little more quiet. Remember to let the people around you know your plans beforehand so they don't take offence! Have...

If a situation is causing you stress or anxiety, ask yourself, how much are you focusing on things that are outside your control? Recognise what’s outside your control in this situation and focus your energy on what is within your control. Every time you start focusing...

It’s all too easy to misinterpret someone's intentions or what they're trying to communicate. And we all know that making assumptions can all too easily lead to misunderstandings. So, challenge the assumptions you make about what others are thinking or feeling, and b) make an extra effort to...

Is there something you've been meaning to do for a while? If there’s a long list of things, then maybe just pick one thing. Choose something that you really want to do, something that’s realistically possible. Now, don’t just think about it or let another week...

Sometimes the grown up you needs a break. So, every now and then, release your inner child and enjoy some carefree fun. See the world with childlike wonder. Ask lots of questions. Revisit one of your favourite childhood books or movies. How will you let your...

Think elevated thoughts and your thoughts become like stars, bright and luminous.   Then, your mind becomes like a clear starry night sky, and your thoughts, like stars, will brighten your mood and illuminate your world.   Until da next Tyme...

Do you know the times in the day when you're at your most productive; the times when your focus is at its best? Know your most productive times of the day. And if possible, schedule tasks accordingly. You can schedule the challenging or the most important...