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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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We are limitless. We can be and do anything we want. So, if you're limiting yourself, maybe it’s time to limit less. Explore new possibilities, expand your horizons and be limitless. But, we have limited resources. So, know when to set necessary and nurturing limits for yourself. Just imagine what...

We've learnt, experienced and accomplished so much in our life. Yet sometimes we forget. Like buried treasure, it’s still all there, hidden away inside our memory bank. Reach into your treasure chest of memories, recapture lost enthusiasm and redirect your energy to create more treasured moments. Until da next Tyme...

Reading inspiring thoughts and ideas isn't enough if we don't let our mind digest everything it has taken in. Just like cows, chew on the inspiring thoughts and ideas. Chew, digest well and it will nourish you. What will you chew on today? Until da next Tyme...

How you think is how you feel. So if you think, "Time is going by so fast", it's going to feel like time is flying by fast. And that just makes us feel anxious and stressed! Change how you think about time and you'll change your relationship with...

Here's a simple way you can bring positivity to those around you: Share good news and positive things with others. Share the joyful and successful moments, the uplifting and inspiring stories. Share positive things with others, and you boost your own positivity while spreading positivity in other people's lives....

Fear can keep us staying small and stuck where we are. So, when you next encounter a fear, challenge yourself to stand up to your fears. To stand up to your fear, tap into your inner: 1) clarity, to explore the reasons behind your fear and the...

Overthinking as we know can make us feel overwhelmed, anxious and exhausted. To stop yourself from overthinking, try this: put a deadline on your thoughts. If it's a small issue, give yourself a time small frame to think about it. If it's an important decision, give yourself a...

What are the internal barriers that are hindering your sense of empowerment? How can you overcome these barriers? Empowerment is a mindset. Take control of your internal dialogue; replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations, and find ways to fuel your own sense of empowerment.   Until da next Tyme...

We are all different, yet the same. Notice the shared values, challenges, interests and goals, and find the common ground. Recognise the unique perspectives, characteristics, backgrounds and experiences, and appreciate what makes us different. Discover the differences and the similarities between us, and develop a deeper sense of humanity and connection. Until...