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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good morning,   If we find life a struggle we'll always be struggling with everything & everyone.  This constant struggle will just wear us down. Today, stop struggling.  Even if life isn't easy, release any resistance & feel lighter within yourself.  Be at ease...

Good morning,   Often when our minds are quiet, we can hear our inner voice, the wisdom that we carry at the core of our being. All we need to do is recognise, value and learn from our inner tutor.  Imagine the cost effectiveness...

Good morning ,   Do you find some meetings a waste of time?  We do need to work together & make decisions, share information & generate ideas.  So how will you make meetings more effective? Hold a walking meeting, if you can, or a...

Good Morning,   All the unnecessary, repetitive thoughts that linger around in our minds create a stuffy atmosphere and affect how we feel. Next time your mind feels stuffy, filter out any negativity or unwanted thoughts.  Remove all the contaminants from your mind, just...

Good Morning , Of course, people matter.  But do they know that? Whether's it's your partner, boss, friends, colleagues or acquaintances, put extra effort into letting them know they matter.  Why?  Because it makes a difference and it matters, to them and to you....

Good morning, Often we're either on autopilot & don't feel as much, or we're too absorbed with what's happening in our life.  So pay attention to being fully engaged with life, without becoming too absorbed.  How?  Be an observer. You can observe something...

good morning, When things go wrong or not as planned, think 'maybe'! Maybe it's not meant to happen now.  Maybe there's something better to come.  Maybe there's a benefit or something to learn here.  Maybe I could have done things differently. Think...

Good morning, Even though we may forget to notice, we are all blessed in life.  And we also have blessings to give. When we have good feelings towards others, encourage & empower them, we bless.  And when we do, the blessings return a thousand-fold. ...

Good morning, Just when we think we've mastered something, something else comes along to make us humble again! It's as if life is saying, 'don't box up your knowledge and think you've got it!'  Think you have it all figured out and you're...