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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good morning all , Are you avoiding or hesitating to take valuable opportunities because of fear of failure?  The longer you avoid or hesitate, the more the fear increases.  You can reduce the fear of taking action. Remember: it's not important whether...

Good morning all, Greatness is about being extraordinary in the ordinary.  It's simply doing the small things we do everyday well, all the time. We can all dig a little deeper to deliver greatness, everyday...

Good morning all, Sometimes we're quick to make assumptions and fast to close our minds.  Rather than rushing to close our minds, let's open the mind to learn more and understand better. Being open minded doesn't mean that we shouldn't stand by the...

Hello all, So another year  has arrived and I am another year older :) Its my birthday today !!! Unlike some women I embrace my age, I dont feel the need to act or look younger, I just feel the need to be me...

Good morning  all, When you find yourself in a stormy emotional outburst, with thunderous words, flashes of lightning and tears of rain...

Good morning all, Expectations are important.  They define our boundaries & ground rules on how we allow others to treat us. But often we assume others understand our expectations, so when our expectations are not met, we're hurt & disappointed. To maintain...

Good morning all, Each year as a birthday draw closer, I analysed what has made me happy in the last year. Each year as human  beings we make promises to ourselves of what we will change, like  get out of debt and lose weight and get a...