Can you accommodate everyone in your heart? Can you accept everyone as they are? Will you set any boundaries, any conditions? Or will you expand your capacity? When we don’t accept others, we build walls. When we accommodate and accept others unconditionally, we create space for...

Do you believe others will always let you down? Holding onto this belief may make you cynical or stuck in a victim mindset. So, manage your disappointment, challenge your belief and consider whether: a) your expectations are reasonable b) you need to set better boundaries c) you can accept...

Supporting others is important but if it leaves you feeling exhausted, you may need to set boundaries to protect your energy. Identify and communicate your needs. Because taking good care of yourself makes you better able to support others.   Until da next Tyme...

Sometimes out of concern and care, we feel it's necessary to step in, get involved or intervene in other people’s lives. But before you intervene, ask for permission. When you step in, respect the other person’s boundaries and be mindful of when you need to step...

Do you live life open heartedly or mostly closed?  Most of us have had experiences that led us to close our hearts.  But maybe it's time to get gutsy and open our heart. If we were to live open heartedly, maybe we'll get smarter at: - taking...

When there’s a little conflict with someone, check whether you’ve crossed their boundaries. Check whether you've done something that the other person finds hurtful, inappropriate or offensive. If you find that you’ve crossed boundaries, often the best thing to do is acknowledge your behaviour and...

Boundaries in relationships can be tricky because they’re unique to each individual and don’t often make sense to others.  So it’s our responsibility to clearly draw the line, and communicate our limits and where we stand. And as relationships are not all about us, boundaries need...

Websites make their "Contact Us" page easy or even hard to find according to how accessible they want and choose to be.  In the same way, have you thought about how accessible you are to others? Be accessible and approachable, so that people can...

  Here are the 3 R's to make the relationships that matter most, easier: Roles, Rules, and Rituals. Roles clarify what is expected of you.  Otherwise there's frustration and confusion when roles are unclear.  Know your specific role in each relationship and play your...