Whenever you find yourself stressing about getting things done or what’s going to happen, try this: be present. Firstly, become present to your emotions, your stress, and then, become present to what you’re doing and where you are. Be present and you may find that it...

Are you a multitasker? Multitasking is not always effective or productive. So, try to limit multitasking for the times when it’s the only option. Instead, whenever you can, mono-task and do one thing at a time. Give your full undivided attention to the conversation, the person,...

We’re often too quick to criticise our rivals and peers. But if we were to drop the criticism, we could learn a lot from them.   Recognise what makes them effective and successful. Appreciate what they do well and also take note of what they do...

We want to please as many people as we can. But it’s almost impossible to please everyone. And if we're always trying to avoid offending or annoying others just to please them then we’re most likely undermining our own happiness and effectiveness. Be mindful of people’s...

Are you efficient or effective?  Do you think one is more important than the other? Being efficient is doing things right and being effective is doing the right things.  Often when we're being efficient, we're doing things better and faster, and as a result, we may...

No matter how capable and creative, effective and extraordinary we may be, it's when we work together and collaborate that we can accomplish something altogether greater.  This is the spirit of collaboration. Collaborations do make things easier but do you find collaborations easy?  Maybe collaborations are...

Good morning , "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Well, now that you've grown up, what do you want to be? Adaptable, energetic, calm, effective, generous, happy...

Good Morning , If you get too wrapped up in all of the stuff coming at you, you lose your ability to respond appropriately and effectively. In other words, you can't do things faster and better until you learn how to slow down. ...