Today, just because you can, let something different happen and go with the flow. Go along with someone else's idea even though you may want to do things your way. Today, go with the flow practise being more flexible and adaptable and see where it takes...

Today, find one thing to appreciate; something about yourself, friends or something in your life. Appreciate the chance to breathe in the fresh air, the roof over your head or the beautiful sunrise. As appreciation grows, energy flows, and you’ll feel a little better about life. Until...

Where your thoughts flow, your mood follows! Are you aware of how your thoughts affect your mood? Next time you find yourself in a bad mood, try to 1) steer away from any negative thoughts, and 2) think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts, happy mood! If that doesn't work, then...

A good dancer makes each move look effortless! Yet each move is made thoughtfully. But most dancers will tell you, that if you over-think it, you make mistakes. We too, need to do things thoughtfully, without over-thinking. And when we make mistakes, we need to flow...

Great things can happen when minds meet, but if you were to attend every meeting you're invited to, it wouldn't be a good use of your time, would it? And when you do attend a meeting, walk in with the right mindset. So, if it's...

Don’t you just love being in control?  But don't you find that the more you try to control everything, the more stressed and out of control you feel? How about, trying to curb the urge to control?  Do as much as you can to make things...

Whenever you get stuck in your mind, stuck in problems and worries, think of the mind as a river, and all your problems and worries as boulders and debris in the river. Then put your attention onto the flow of the river, and you'll naturally get...

Enthusiasm is a positive energy. Enthusiasm gets things done. Enthusiasm is contagious. Enthusiasm is often underrated, so how would you rate your enthusiasm?  Are you always brimming with enthusiasm, or do you curb it?  Does it flow naturally or do you need to spark and nurture...

There is always a way forward.  Like a river, no matter what obstacles come your way, just flow.  Sometimes you have to go with the flow, at other times you have to find or create a new way, so that you can move forward.  Just...

Good Morning all, No matter how much structure we create, there will always be things No matter how much structure we create, there will always be things that we cannot anticipate: people that disrupt how we like to do things or projects that don't...