If you feel that everything on your to-do list has to be done, you’re probably feeling frustrated because the to-do list never seems to end! So, maybe, it’s time to accept that a) your to-do list will never end, and b) not everything on your list has to...

If you're feeling stressed, frustrated or anxious, check if you're focusing on things that are out of your control Making a list of the things that are outside your control and a list of things that are within your control may help you refocus your energy...

Life often feels like a jigsaw puzzle. We try to build it piece by piece but all the pieces of our life don't always come together. And when we can't seem to find the missing piece, we get frustrated and lose our peace. Well, instead of...

When we make mistakes, the feelings of inadequacy, frustration, or even embarrassment, are almost instant. Next time you make a mistake, instantly: 1) Accept how you feel 2) Remind yourself that mistakes allow you to grow 3) Acknowledge what you did well before the mistake Value your efforts, value...

Happy NEW YEAR! Just like computers, sometimes we also need a reboot.  Especially when feeling frustrated, overloaded or simply needing a fresh start.  Take a few minutes to reboot your focus. Be fully aware of what you are doing: breathing, walking, driving, eating...