Notice how "thank you" pops out of our mouths so easily. As kids, we learn to say thank you and recognise that to do so is good manners. But if we’re not careful, it becomes habitual and robotic. Even though they’re only two small words, their...

Gratitude in the workplace can help reduce stress and build positive emotions. So, how will you practise gratitude in the workplace? Maybe, at the end of each workday, find three things to be thankful for and see how it affects your relationship with your work.   Until da...

Apparently, there is no nourishment like happiness! So are you nourishing yourself with happiness? Here are 3 ways to nourish yourself with happiness, everyday: 1) Feed yourself a dose of laughter (a good joke or a funny video clip) 2) Engage in one activity that makes you happy...

A sense of belonging increases our motivation and wellbeing. It creates a sense of connection and inclusion that can make us feel part of something bigger than ourselves. Here are a few ways to build a sense of belonging for others: - Be open and authentic with...

When an obstacle comes your way, are you able to meet it with gratitude? Even though it may be challenging, try it. Meet obstacles with gratitude and you’ll find that it allows you to strengthen your purpose, confidence, and character, and enhance your compassion, learning,...

Are you on the right path? How do you know if you are? An intuitive knowing? A feeling of excitement every morning when you get out of bed? Knowing that you are doing what you really want in life? Are there any signposts along the...

When someone wrongs you or when there's something from the past that you want to let go, try the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. It involves four phrases: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Say it in your mind, from your heart, and...

Switch your mindset to gratitude. Because gratitude keeps you focused on what's good, instead of what isn't. And as you focus on the positive, your appreciation will grow, and as appreciation grows, happiness flows. Gratitude shifts your attitude. So, find something to be grateful for every...

Monday was Earth Day. Let’s make every day an Earth Day. Today: - Cultivate gratitude for the natural world. - Send positive energy to all life on Earth. - Identify simple actions you can take for the wellbeing of the planet   Until da next Tyme...

Is your glass half empty or half full? Does it even matter? Maybe what matters more is that you can refill your glass. Fill your glass with optimism, hope and gratitude. Even if the glass seems completely empty, start pouring positivity into your glass. And, slowly...