Our mind is like a garden, and what we plant grows. What’s growing in your garden?   If it’s negative thoughts, weed them out. If it’s limiting beliefs and attitudes, prune them away. Plant positive thoughts and cultivate your mind. Before you know it, your mind...

Trust life. Being trusting doesn’t mean not being careful. By all means, be careful and be sensible, just trust life a little bit more. Trust that life presents situations for you to grow and develop. Trust that life knows your potential for greatness. Trust that life...

If there are ideas and small projects you'd like to make happen but just haven’t found time, try the following: Do something small, something that may seem relatively insignificant. Do this daily or even a few times a week, and it may grow and accumulate into...

When making things happen, no matter how much hard work we put in, we don't always see immediate results. It’s like planting seeds; some seeds germinate right away and others need time to grow. Put in the effort to make things happen. Then, plant seeds of...

When life feels like winter, dreary and dormant, remind yourself that just as spring always comes after winter, nothing lasts forever; and that this too shall pass.   Just as there's new buds, leaves, flowers in spring, remind yourself that you can always renew your purpose...

When we make mistakes, the feelings of inadequacy, frustration, or even embarrassment, are almost instant. Next time you make a mistake, instantly: 1) Accept how you feel 2) Remind yourself that mistakes allow you to grow 3) Acknowledge what you did well before the mistake Value your efforts, value...

Switch your mindset to gratitude. Because gratitude keeps you focused on what's good, instead of what isn't. And as you focus on the positive, your appreciation will grow, and as appreciation grows, happiness flows. Gratitude shifts your attitude. So, find something to be grateful for every...

We’re all trying to improve and grow ourselves. And during the process, we may feel disappointed and discouraged with ourselves. Why not, try this: Compare yourself today and yourself five years ago. See how much you’ve improved and grown, in your character, experiences and skills. Try...

We might not all have green fingers but we can certainly try to grow something.  We can start small, take care of houseplants or grow vegetables, herbs, flowers in pots.  If you really don't have green fingers, you can still nurture; nurture yourself, your health,...

Whatever you're going through in life, grow through it. Keep learning and applying what you learn, and you'll grow through what you go through. Grow as you go and you'll never get bored or tired with life.   Until da next Tyme...