Words can hurt or comfort. Words can encourage or discourage. Words carry weight and once spoken, they can never be recalled. To make your words count, ‘weigh’ your words before they ‘spill out’ and choose your words carefully.   Until da next Tyme...

Often we think that forgiveness is something we do for someone else, but actually forgiveness is something we do for ourselves. Because it takes more energy to hold onto hurt, guilt, anger, resentment than it does to forgive. When we forgive, we experience peace of...

"Don't take it personally," how often have you heard this?  When you don't take things personally, you are better able to protect yourself from feeling: hurt, disappointed, let down...

When someone steps on your foot, do you fume?  Keep fuming and you'll spoil your mood.  Yes, it hurts but can you forgive their carelessness? Next time someone says or does something that's emotionally hurtful, try to forgive.  This doesn't minimise or excuse what's happened,...

When you are misunderstood, it can all be too consuming & hurtful, especially if the other person negatively comments on what you said or didn't say, did or didn't do. To avoid not being consumed or hurt by it all, understand that 1)...

When our feelings are hurt, we find it hard to forgive.  But if we don't forgive we become so wrapped up in the hurt that it just makes us unhappy. So even though it's hard, forgive, it's good for your well being.  Forgive the...

Good morning all, Had a disagreement with someone you're close to and then found it's gone too far and you're no longer talking? Often when we're hurt, we speak harshly and hurt the other person.  And then we both continue to hurt in...

Good morning all, We've all experienced our share of hurt.  But how can we get past this hurt? Realise: I no longer want to carry the burden of the past. The hurt no longer serves me any purpose.  If the past has moved...