When you find yourself caught up in thinking about what's happened or what will happen, take a moment to get grounded in where you're at in your life. Acknowledge your current reality. Affirm, ‘I am exactly where I need to be in this moment.’ Appreciate for...

Today, take a moment to recognise the blessings in your life. Think about life’s gifts and the countless wonders that surround you; from the air you breathe to the people you cherish most. Count your blessings, feel a deep sense of gratitude and let these blessings...

The way you think sharpens your focus and expands your possibilities. Today, think big about who you are and what you can contribute. And then, think bigger. If you’re not thinking big, ask yourself why you’re limiting yourself? Think bigger and go for it. And even if you don't...

Do you have different types of people in your life? People who encourage you; people who are real with you; people who bring fun into your life; people who inspire you; people you can trust…. Having a variety of people in our lives enriches our perspective and...

Every outcome starts with a thought. So, let’s ensure that our thoughts are like seeds, sown with intention and care. By planting good thoughts, only the best seeds in our minds, the outcomes we yield will be the best. Until da next Tyme...

Curiosity expands our mind and our world. So keep being curious and keep asking questions. Ask people: How do you feel about this? What do you think is the best solution here? Ask life: What possibilities exist here? What can I learn from this? Ask yourself: Why am I feeling this way?...

What’s not growing in your life? Identify specific elements that feel stagnant; it could be in your relationships , job or personal development. Let go of the things that are not growing and remove the dead wood. And you'll allow the things that are growing in your life to...

Ever hear yourself say, "I’ve got no choice?"  Realise: You always have a choice. Maybe not everything is a choice, but we do have a choice in how we experience and engage with life And the choices we make shape our life. Make meaningful choices and live life...

Are you letting the events in your life define you? Life’s events may shape your experience but they don't have to define who you are. Remind yourself that you are not the events in your life and create a sense of detachment. This will empower you to a) be...

We've learnt, experienced and accomplished so much in our life. Yet sometimes we forget. Like buried treasure, it’s still all there, hidden away inside our memory bank. Reach into your treasure chest of memories, recapture lost enthusiasm and redirect your energy to create more treasured moments. Until da next Tyme...