Do you commute to work? Ever complain about it? Complaining saps energy and wrecks the mood. Why not make your commute more enjoyable and enjoy the time that commuting offers you? Read something entertaining, informative or insightful. Listen to music or podcasts. Respond to messages, emails...

Sometimes we wake up in a bad mood, or our mood crashes for a reason or even no reason. As a lot in life depends on our mood, remember, we don't have to put up with our bad mood. To pull yourself out of a mood,...

Have you noticed how food affects your mood? As is your food, so is your mood! Have you also noticed how your mood affects the food you cook and eat? As is your mood, so is your food! Make healthier food choices, cook with love, eat...

Who rules in your life? People, circumstances, the past, the weather, your health, your mood...

Where your thoughts flow, your mood follows! Are you aware of how your thoughts affect your mood? Next time you find yourself in a bad mood, try to 1) steer away from any negative thoughts, and 2) think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts, happy mood! If that doesn't work, then...

Next time you find yourself thinking unproductively, take a moment to gather your thoughts and direct them towards a more productive direction. So, instead of thinking "I have so much to do," think "Where do I want to put my energy?" Instead of thinking, "I don’t...

Do you find that your mood depends on, 'As is the day, so am I'? How about changing it to, 'As I am, so is the day'? Set an intention for how you want to show up for your day. Meditate to create a calm mood....

This week, go to a garden and use the tranquillity of nature to meditate. Sit and breathe in the fresh air and exhale out any stress. Let the sounds of nature, leaves rustling, birds chirping, be your meditation music. Notice the flowers, the plants, the trees,...

Are you experiencing ‘boreout’? ‘Boreout’ happens when we're not feeling challenged or stimulated enough, in your work or in general. If you are experiencing ‘boreout’, firstly realise that it's OK to feel how you feel. Secondly, find a way to boost your mood and motivation. You...

There are apps that help you track your moods. But do you need to track everything digitally? Can you not track your moods by yourself! However, you choose to keep track of your moods, make sure you're not just tracking your moods and what triggers them,...