Today, take a moment to set an intention for the week ahead. Consider what qualities or mindset you would like to embody, or how you want to show up in your relationships or at work. And then choose a word or a feeling that resonates with you. Revisit...

How you think is how you feel. So if you think, "Time is going by so fast", it's going to feel like time is flying by fast. And that just makes us feel anxious and stressed! Change how you think about time and you'll change your relationship with...

Peace is accessible and easy to find. How? You don’t need hours of meditation; 10 minutes can make all the difference. 10 minutes is all it takes to soothe the soul. Follow these 5 steps: 1. Set a 10-minute timer and sit somewhere quiet, in a...

How peaceful are you at this moment? If you are not feeling very peaceful, remind yourself: "Peace is my natural state of being. I am a peaceful being." Hold this thought of peace to make yourself peaceful.   When it feels like someone or something is...

Had a quiet day recently? You don’t have to get away from the noise or the busyness. Just challenge yourself to speak less and be a little more quiet. Remember to let the people around you know your plans beforehand so they don't take offence! Have...

Sometimes it seems as if someone or something can so easily take away our peace. But actually, no one and nothing can take away our peace because peace is our natural state of being.   Next time it feels like someone or something has taken away...

Peace is always there, within you. But how often does this peace on the inside result in peace on the outside? Practice peace every day in quiet thought and in deep meditation. Make being peaceful a priority and make peace your starting point, and then, the...

If we want to bring peace to our world, it starts within our hearts and minds. Spend a few moments each day in solitude to develop peace. Let any turbulence subside and make peace with your world. Create peace within and this will give you the...

Just like our devices, sometimes we also need a reboot. Especially if you’re feeling stressed or stuck, give yourself a reboot. Sit, breathe and relax or take a stretch break. Just do something quick and simple that helps you power down, and reboot yourself and your...

Whenever you want to enhance your presence, try this meditation exercise: 1) Bring your awareness to your mind and observe what it’s doing. 2) Try not to engage with your thoughts, simply observe and accept. 3) Allow yourself to just be and feel a sense of peace emerging. 4)...