Sometimes the grown up you needs a break. So, every now and then, release your inner child and enjoy some carefree fun. See the world with childlike wonder. Ask lots of questions. Revisit one of your favourite childhood books or movies. How will you let your...

When you're confused and unsure about a decision, ask yourself three questions: Who am I? What is important to me? What is my purpose? The answers that arise will most probably lead you to clarity.   Until da next tyme...

How often do you find yourself doubting yourself and questioning your abilities and self-worth? If you’re tired of this long queue of questions, doubt your doubts. Ask yourself: Is this question helping me move forward? Is it really true? Can I try something different? Or...

When you find yourself lost in overthinking, try this: Ask yourself questions. Ask yourself questions and it may help you stop the overthinking, put things in perspective and give the mind a positive, constructive direction. Ask yourself: What is it that’s concerning me? Is this a...

Instead of being an expert, be an explorer. It may expand your thinking, growth and resilience. Here are a few ways to develop an explorer mindset: - Focus on the positives and the possibilities. - Have a plan but be flexible. Embrace the unknown and adapt. - Browse around...

Sometimes the easiest way to resolve confusion & conflict is by asking other people questions. Ask how they feel. Ask for their perspective. Ask for more information. Ask questions, dig deeper & get understanding & clarity. So, let's not underestimate the power of asking questions.   Until da...

Putting your punctuation in the right place matters, right!  Do you punctuate the thoughts in your mind? Insert commas to separate & slow down your thoughts, question marks for contemplation & problem solving, exclamation marks to emphasise & accentuate, & most importantly, apply a...

  Curiosity prompts us to keep learning.  So be curious and keep educating yourself! Ask questions and turn your questions into a quest.  Look things up.  Google your problems.  Search at the library.  Learn from those around you. How do you keep your curiosity...