When you find yourself caught up in thinking about what's happened or what will happen, take a moment to get grounded in where you're at in your life. Acknowledge your current reality. Affirm, ‘I am exactly where I need to be in this moment.’ Appreciate for...

When there’s stress and obstacles, do you fight or take flight? Fight every battle and you’ll feel drained. Take flight and you’ll just postpone facing reality. Here’s another alternative; flow. Switch off the fight and flight response, accept what is and flow. Flow forward and it’ll make things easier and...

As is your attitude, so is your experience. If you find that your attitude towards someone is negative, it'll influence how you communicate and behave towards that person, and as a result, the attitude will most likely reflect back to you. So, check your attitude. Contained...

Have you considered that the problem is not the real problem? The problem is how you think about the problem. Think differently about the problem and you'll not only change how you feel and experience your reality but ultimately change how you respond to the problem.   Until...

Is there something that’s making you feel nervous? A project you're afraid to attempt, a truth you need to tell, a reality you must face, a presentation you have to give...

Are you a realist or a visionary? Which is better?   Maybe we need a bit of both to get the best results. Be visionary enough to see where you want to go. Be realistic enough to see things as they are. Then, you can create...

When an old habit pops up, avoid feeling discouraged or letting the habit take over. Instead, take the following steps: 1. Say to yourself, its OK; it's not the end of the world. 2. Say to the old habit, 'You are sooooo yesterday and so not part...

Often, when we are going through loss and grief, it’s not about getting over it but through it.  It's about finding constructive and healthy ways to process our emotions. When it comes to the grieving process there’s no right or wrong way, each loss in unique...

Do you walk around with your head in the clouds?  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  Having our head in the clouds allows us to dream big.  But if you stay up in the clouds then you don't achieve anything. To turn your dreams into...

Fear is scary, it's like a tiger in our path that blocks the way forward.  But most often, fear is like a paper tiger.  It only looks formidable and ferocious because we've made such a big deal out of it.  In reality, it's not real,...