Keep your values in front of you and most things will work out by themselves. Put them on post-it notes, or on your screen saver, or simply keep them in mind. Put your values in front of you and you're more likely to apply them. Integrity,...

Are you neglecting your relationships? We don’t mean to, but neglect often happens when we take our relationships for granted or get caught up in the whirlwind of life.   Take an inventory of your personal and professional relationships and determine how to nurture and respect...

At the end of the day when you’re getting ready for bed, look at yourself in the mirror and acknowledge: 1) Your accomplishments from the day. 2) What you learnt today. 3) That being you is enough, you are enough. At the end of everyday, choose to acknowledge yourself...

Your body is always listening to you. What have you been telling your body? If you've been saying hurtful things to your body, apologise, and be more mindful of how you speak to it. Your body is always there for you. Thank your body for showing...

Give others what you want from them. Whatever it is that you want from others; respect, care, help, forgiveness...

When we're around people we're comfortable with, all too often familiarity sets in. While familiarity has its place, too much familiarity can diminish respect.   So, a) be more aware of familiarity turning into over-familiarity, and  b) maintain respect when you are around people you’re comfortable with.   Until...

Next time you want to speak your mind, just pause for a moment and speak to your mind. Ask your mind, if what you want to say is helpful, necessary and kind? Speak to your mind before you speak your mind, and you’ll bring more calm,...

You’re smart, wise and know-a-lot, so don’t let your know-how sit in your pocket, share what you know. But know when to keep your know-how to yourself and let others share their knowledge. Then, you’re not only showing respect to them and empowering them but...

You’re smart, wise and know-a-lot, so don’t let your know-how sit in your pocket, share what you know. But know when to keep your know-how to yourself and let others share their knowledge. Then, you’re not only showing respect to them and empowering them but...

The mind can be like a wild horse, running freely, while we try to hold on. To tame this wild horse, we need to a) realise that we are masters of our mind, and b) build trust, as we would in any relationship. Build a relationship with respect...