When a challenging situation arises, recognise your responsibility in the situation. Taking responsibility doesn’t mean blaming yourself. It means recognising that there is something to learn here. Step back from the challenging situation and ask yourself: What is this situation trying to tell me? What can...

Who rules in your life? People, circumstances, the past, the weather, your health, your mood...

How often do you involve others in the decision-making process? It makes sense to include those impacted by the decisions or those who will implement those decisions. It increases their engagement and responsibility, and having various perspectives can only lead to better outcomes. But involving others...

Are you feeling overburdened by all the responsibilities in your life? If you're feeling overburdened, take responsibility of how you take responsibilities. Take some things off your plate and avoid overloading yourself in the future. See your responsibilities as gifts. Try this and you may no...

When you’re wrong, can you willingly admit it? It takes guts, but when you admit you are wrong and apologise, "I am sorry, I was wrong", it shows that you are taking responsibility. Admit you are wrong and you also create a culture of openness, where...

Who or what brings out the worst in you?  1. Recognise who or what brings out the worst in you. 2. Ask yourself, can someone or something really bring out the worst in me? 3. Consider this, no one and nothing can bring out the...

Often when we're agitated with someone, we feel it's the other person's responsibility to resolve the issue. But it's our responsibility to dissolve the agitation we feel. How?  Find something you admire in that person, a positive quality, or maybe they're a specialist in something....

Hey peeps, This message is so apt and I am sure that anyone reading this can relate, we are human and we all have done this at sometime or another. "Response-ability is our ability to respond to the world.  To think, say,...