Whenever you want to protect yourself from absorbing the stress or negativity around you, try the following steps: - Find a quiet space and take a few slow, deep breaths - With each exhale, release any stress or negative energy - With each inhale, drawing in a deep...

Here's a quick and simple practice that can relieve stress, lift your mood and bring positivity to your day: Smile for a minute. Allow a natural smile to form. Feel the corners of your mouth lift up and let the smile reach your eyes. Hold the smile for a...

When you know something is coming up, whether it's an event, a deadline, or even a holiday, why leave all the preparation to the last minute? If you want to avoid the last-minute rush and stress, all it takes is, some planning. List all the things...

Nothing really happens by overthinking the stresses and worries in life. That's why it's important to let go. Let go of the things that are out of your hands. Put your worries down. Drop the stress. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders. And lighten...

First attempts aren't always easy, in fact, it's uncomfortable and unfamiliar. But if we never try doing something new, we can never expand our potential. This week, attempt something for the first time. Avoid overthinking the how, and instead, just do it. And, if you start...

Next time you can't seem to find your willpower, check your stress levels. Research indicates that stress not only depletes our willpower and self-control, it also heightens our impulsive behaviour and reactions. Next time you find your willpower starting to fade or it’s nowhere to be...

Why do we like sunsets? Whether it’s on the commute, on a holiday, in a painting, or even a glance out the window; a sunset can grab our attention. And, in that moment, it’s as if all our problems, worries, and stress fade away, and...

If a situation is causing you stress or anxiety, ask yourself, how much are you focusing on things that are outside your control? Recognise what’s outside your control in this situation and focus your energy on what is within your control. Every time you start focusing...

To calm your thoughts, here’s a peaceful and soulful way to meditate: Light a candle, turn down the lights and focus on the flame of the candle. Just like the melting candle wax, feel all your stress and all your thoughts melt away. Allow the warm...

Next time you find your thoughts speeding around, creating chaos, try this: a) Steer your thoughts away from worries, stress and problems. b) Park your thoughts near a quiet, calm space.   Relax and regain your energy and focus. And then, when you’re ready, steer your thoughts in...