When starting something new, a job, a project, a goal, its normal for doubts to creep in. But don't let these doubts define your ability. Instead, embrace a mindset of success. Believe that success is inevitable, and focus on your strengths, past successes and the positive...

When you hear about someone else's success, you may feel jealousy, envy, frustration or even resentment. Next time you feel like this, instead of letting these emotions take over, try seeing them as a mirror; not to compare yourself to or compete with, but as...

Do you know when your ego is in the way? When you get upset, defensive… When you’re comparing, competing...

When you're working towards a goal, you might want to focus on how you want to feel as you a) pursue your goal and b) achieve your goal. Focus on how you want to feel, and you enhance a) your journey towards your goal and b) your chances of sustainable...

Do you feel happy for other people's success? Perhaps at times, you feel a little envious, resentful, and insecure, but it’s ok. Notice how you feel and you may find that the feelings no longer control you. Get curious about what you can learn from others,...

What's the secret to your success? Would you generously give your secret away? You don't have to share everything. Maybe reveal a little bit of your process and technique with others. Share what works for you and the other person may benefit from your experience. Share...

Do you put all your eggs in one basket? Putting time and energy into one thing can lead to focus, commitment and success. But, most often it's wiser not to let one thing become your everything. Instead, try to spread your time and energy across various...

Anything is possible with the power of determination. Determination won’t let anything stop you. Determination will break through fear and self-doubt. And when things get rough, tough or even boring, determination will persevere and keep you going. It’s the key to success. How are you using...

There are always problems! View problems as problems, and you make the experience more difficult and stressful than it has to be. How about training your mind to reframe problems as possibilities? Reframe and you'll make problems less intimidating and turn problems into opportunities for growth...

What’s behind your need to work so hard? Money, success, validation? Or is it because you want to do your best, feel a sense of accomplishment, or make a meaningful impact? Know what motivates you to work so hard and it’ll give you the extra fuel...