When interacting with others, be REAL: Respect, Empathise, Accept, & Listen Respect: notice the positives about others & recognise their intrinsic value.   Empathise: understand another’s point of view & where they're coming from.   Accept: instead of trying to control others, let people be themselves.   Listen: be present...

Not all conversations go well. Sometimes we just don’t understand where the other person is coming from or why they said what they said. But remember, not everything is about you. Sometimes the other person is just having a bad day and sometimes we’re just...

It’s all too easy to misinterpret someone's intentions or what they're trying to communicate. And we all know that making assumptions can all too easily lead to misunderstandings. So, challenge the assumptions you make about what others are thinking or feeling, and b) make an extra effort to...

Conflicts are like icebergs. What you see or understand is only a portion of what's really happening. So, take time to explore your iceberg of conflict. Look below the words and actions that fuelled the conflict. Uncover your emotions, expectations and everything else that lie...

Sometimes we wake up in a bad mood, or our mood crashes for a reason or even no reason. As a lot in life depends on our mood, remember, we don't have to put up with our bad mood. To pull yourself out of a mood,...

Sometimes it seems as if someone or something can so easily take away our peace. But actually, no one and nothing can take away our peace because peace is our natural state of being.   Next time it feels like someone or something has taken away...

We only see the tip of the iceberg. In fact, about 90 percent of an iceberg is below the surface. So, make that extra effort to look beyond what’s visible, look below the surface to understand the depth in everything and everyone around you. Until da next...

How often do you find yourself drinking guilt-tea? When you find yourself sipping some guilt-tea, stop savouring it. Instead, use that taste of guilt to understand why you feel guilty, and what you can do to make amends. Stop feeling guilty, be kind to yourself and...

Misunderstandings often happen because we're not willing to take the time to understand. We become impatient and don't listen properly. And because we simply haven't taken the time to understand, we start making assumptions. Assumptions often lead to misunderstandings. So, make time to understand people better.   Until...

If we make everything a priority, it'll all feel stressful, and we'll spend too much time on things that don’t matter. Understand that not everything is a priority, and clarify what’s important, what's not, what to abandon and what needs to be done first. Prioritise effectively...