When the mind is preoccupied with tasks that need to be done, it drains our energy, diminishes our ability to focus, and leads to stress and pressure. Instead of overthinking, remind yourself of the purpose of the task. This will align you with the bigger picture,...

Do you find yourself playing small in your life, work or relationships? As Nelson Mandela famously put it, "There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." So, stop...

Every now and then, obstacles and challenges come along; be it at work, in your relationships or elsewhere. And even if it seems impossible, rise to the challenge of trying to face and overcome the obstacles.   Rise to the challenge and you may get to...

When you are facing problems in life, notice what you are thinking and notice how your thoughts make you feel. If you find yourself thinking, "It's all too much," "I can't cope with this," then you’re likely to feel more anxious. Instead, think, "I am stronger...

How good is your listening ability? Most of us are not good at it because listening requires us to give our full attention. If you want to better your listening ability, start paying attention to the sounds around you. If you are in a coffee shop,...

Good Morning , If you get too wrapped up in all of the stuff coming at you, you lose your ability to respond appropriately and effectively. In other words, you can't do things faster and better until you learn how to slow down. ...