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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Setbacks are disappointing but not the end of the world! In fact, every setback is a set-up for a comeback. Here’s how to make it happen: 1. Accept the setback but don’t let it define who you are. 2. Assess the situation to understand what happened. 3. Identify...

We all have random, silly thoughts that pop into our minds occasionally. Some of these thoughts may be worth exploring, such as where they come from and what they mean. But most of the time, silly thoughts don't mean much. Instead of overthinking silly thoughts, simply...

Are you a good friend to everyone but you? Do you say things to yourself that you wouldn’t say to a friend? Good friends are honest but they are also kind. So, be more kind in what you say to yourself and be more forgiving to...

Are you waiting for others to change? You can't change others, but when you change yourself first, you can inspire change in others. Are you ready to be the change you want to see in others?   Until da next Tyme...

We've all heard the age-old advice: "Never go to bed angry." Even research suggests that going to bed angry reinforces the negative feelings, making it harder to shake off later. Next time you get mad, try following this advice. You don’t have to resolve the issue...

What builds character? Facing challenging experiences, pushing through discomfort, doing what’s necessary even when it’s hard…. Our character is shaped by the choices we make, the actions we take, the values we stand by...

Even though life often feels like a series of mundane activities, it’s not a life more ordinary… Change your attitude; embrace the mundane, appreciate the ordinary and you’ll feel more content in everyday life. Change your approach; infuse play into tasks, turn mundane into ‘fun-done’ and...

This weekend, take a wellness inventory. What areas of your life feel out of alignment? What habits are no longer serving your well-being? What one thing can you a) stop doing and b) start doing to improve your well-being? Whether it’s nourishing your body with healthy food, practicing joyful...

The next time someone shares their opinion on what you could be doing differently, try to pause before reacting or defending yourself. Instead, view their words through a lens of humility. Humility allows you to approach their words with a sense of curiosity and learning. Consider a) their...