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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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When interacting with others, be REAL: Respect, Empathise, Accept, & Listen Respect: notice the positives about others & recognise their intrinsic value.   Empathise: understand another’s point of view & where they're coming from.   Accept: instead of trying to control others, let people be themselves.   Listen: be present...

Darkness in a room can easily be dispelled when a light is switched on. In the same way, when there’s negativity in your mind, flip the switch in your mind. Switch on your positive thoughts and dispel the darkness in your mind.   Until da next Tyme...

Do the same thing every day and you’re likely to switch into autopilot mode and get bored. If you’re feeling bored, relieve boredom by doing the same thing, differently. Take a different route to work or change the time when you do the laundry. Get interested,...

Generosity gives without expectations and receives everything. So, avoid attaching strings to any generosity you extend. Give without wanting anything in return and simply accept whatever comes back, or doesn't come back! Then, what is right and what you need comes to you naturally, at the...

Does your mindset need a renovation? Does it need an extreme makeover or just a few tweaks here and there? Even if the renovation gets a little messy or takes longer than planned, the result will be worth the effort. So, roll up your sleeves strip...

How often do you delay your meal time just to finish one last thing? Even though there’s always something or the other waiting to be finished, delaying your meal times doesn't do your body and mind any good. Make eating on time a priority, and avoid...

Relationships are like a tapestry! What threads do you choose to weave into the tapestry of your relationships? Respect, acceptance, trust….?   Today, rethink the threads you’re using. Get creative and intentional to craft vibrant, resilient, and deeply connected relationships.   Until da next Tyme...

Setbacks are disappointing but not the end of the world! In fact, every setback is a set-up for a comeback. Here’s how to make it happen: 1. Accept the setback but don’t let it define who you are. 2. Assess the situation to understand what happened. 3. Identify...

We all have random, silly thoughts that pop into our minds occasionally. Some of these thoughts may be worth exploring, such as where they come from and what they mean. But most of the time, silly thoughts don't mean much. Instead of overthinking silly thoughts, simply...