Is your default mode to give advice? Before you rush to give advice, check if the other person wants advice or a listening ear. When giving advice to someone, give suggestions. And try not to be pushy about them following your suggestions. Give your advice and...

What's the best advice you've ever received? Here's another question: why do we so often and so easily turn to others for advice? The best person to take advice from is yourself. You know yourself and your situation the best, and only you know what's...

Sometimes we interrupt when someone is speaking because we want to give ideas, suggestions, advice….  We want to be helpful & positively influence them.  But when we interrupt, we reduce our chances to influence. If you want to be more influential, stop interrupting.  Keep your...

When you receive feedback or a piece of advice that seems out of place, unwanted or really unnecessary - what's your reaction?  Get annoyed?  Ignore it?  Think, "Why am I being told this?” How about, accepting it and, if it feels right, say “Thank you.”...

Do you make your own decisions?  Think again, because you may be surprised just how much we look to others to make our decisions. Of course it's useful to look to others for advice, perspective, insight...