Regret doesn’t get you anywhere, nor does it change what happened. But it’s impossible to avoid regret. Instead of ignoring or wallowing in it, use your regret more wisely. How? Accept your regret and learn from it. Recognise your missteps and what you could have done...

Misunderstandings often happen because we don’t always understand others. We get impatient, don't listen properly and start making assumptions. If you want to avoid misunderstandings, simply take the time to understand others. And if misunderstandings happen, try and understand a) what you misunderstood and b) how...

What are you avoiding right now? Ask yourself: 1) If I keep avoiding, how will this affect my life in the weeks, months & years ahead? 2) If I'm avoiding something because it feels too daunting, how can I make it easy? 3) If I stop avoiding &...

Are you feeling overburdened by all the responsibilities in your life? If you're feeling overburdened, take responsibility of how you take responsibilities. Take some things off your plate and avoid overloading yourself in the future. See your responsibilities as gifts. Try this and you may no...

Good morning, Avoiding something?  Cleaning the bird dropping off your windscreen?  Sending a quick reply to that e-mail in your inbox?  Often it takes more time to avoid doing things, than it does to actually do it. If you're going to avoid something,...

Good morning all, When things get tough, do you quit and walk away from the situation?  Of course, sometimes quitting is the right choice. But when we quit, we can't always avoid the situation.  Invariably we find ourselves in a similar situation in...