Are you thinking and playing small in your life, work or relationships? If you are, then it’s probably keeping you stuck in your comfort zone. If you’re wanting big and impactful results, maybe it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and take the first...

Whatever you want to become, don't just think about it, visualise it. Visualise yourself as the person you want to be, feel it and believe it. Believe that you can become what you want to be. Visualise. Feel. Believe. And this will drive you to focus...

Often we feel quite helpless because we can't do anything to help a situation or help someone. Next time you're feeling helpless, remind yourself that ‘we can always do something’. If not through actions, if not through words, we can always help through our thoughts. Believe...

Do you believe that you're not creative?  Well, we may not all be creative geniuses, and some of us may be more creative than others, but we all have the capacity and the potential to be creative. Even if you really believe, "I am not creative,"...

Do you believe you can't do something?  What makes you believe this?  What we believe about ourselves often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, so, don't believe everything you believe.  Identify what you believe about yourself that's limiting, negative and simply not true; and then challenge what...

"I can't!"  Believe you can't and you most likely won't!  Instead, get into a pantomime mindset and face your doubts with amusement and fun. So every time you hear "Oh No, You Can't!" say to yourself "Oh Yes, I Can!"  Believe you can...