What's the secret to your success? Would you generously give your secret away? You don't have to share everything. Maybe reveal a little bit of your process and technique with others. Share what works for you and the other person may benefit from your experience. Share...

Every little helps when you’re trying to save money, doesn't it? Apply the same principle to your thoughts. 1. Track your thought expenditure: Where do you spend your thoughts? 2. Get smart and stop spending thoughts on things that bring you no benefit. If you can't, then...

Want to make a profit everyday? Here's one of the ways: At the end of the day, ask yourself ‘what benefit did I take from today?’ Make a note of it, a sentence or a few words. Even when there's been a loss, find the...

When you're doing things that feel mundane or things you don't feel like doing, ask yourself: What's the benefit of doing this? For example, when you're doing the cleaning, think of how you and others will enjoy being in a clean space. When you're exercising, think...

They say everything happens for a reason.  So, when you don’t understand why things happen the way they do, try not to get disheartened.  Tell yourself to ‘just wait and see.'  Things may unravel and become clearer over time, and even if they don't, tell...

Do you delegate to unload the tasks you don't want to do? Or do you delegate to upload, that is, elevate people’s skills? How about, delegating to upload and not unload. It may take a little extra time and effort, but when you delegate to...

Throughout the day we accumulate lots of information, details and emotions. And when we go to bed, all of these things spin around in our minds while we sleep. No wonder we wake up tired. What if, at the end of the day, you take a...