When challenging situations come, think: whatever happened was good, whatever is happening is better and whatever is to happen will be the best. Genuinely feel that there’s "no problem!" This will help you stay strong, be unflappable and handle situations gracefully. Until da next Tyme...

Do you know the times in the day when you're at your most productive; the times when your focus is at its best? Know your most productive times of the day. And if possible, schedule tasks accordingly. You can schedule the challenging or the most important...

We've all done our share of breaking other people's trust, and as we know, once broken, trust is challenging to restore. We can, however make the effort to mend broken trust by owning up to our actions and making amends. We can endeavour to keep the...

When people are going through challenging times, do you feel sorry for them?  Feeling sorry may be well intentioned but, is it positive, helpful, empowering? Could you come up with a more constructive alternative than ‘feeling sorry’?  You could keep your feelings positive and compassionate.  Then,...

We've all done our share of breaking other people's trust. And as we know, once broken, trust is challenging to restore. But we can certainly make the effort to mend broken trust. We can a) own up to our actions and make amends, and b)...

When you start working somewhere new, it can be exciting & challenging.  To get settled into your new role & fit into the new environment, confidently ask questions & learn as much as you can, not just the new skills but what's acceptable & what's...

Good morning When challenging situations come, think: whatever happened was good, whatever is happening is better and whatever is to happen will be the best.  Genuinely feel that there's "no problem!"  Tap into your inner stability, stay strong and be unflappable.  Then you'll...