Do you give yourself the permission to get things wrong? Are you comfortable admitting when you are wrong? Would you rather do things right or do the right thing? This week, explore the differences between doing wrong, being wrong and doing right. It may lead to...

We all carry a certain presence that influences the people around us. The question is: Does my presence have a positive or a negative impact? Do those around me feel comfortable in my presence? If you want to carry an influential presence, cultivate a positive attitude...

Do you choose what’s more convenient, more comfortable for you? Even if it compromises your values and integrity? Or do you let your values drive your choices? Even if it makes life less convenient, less comfortable? The choices we make, define who we are, shape our...

Confusion happens. And when it happens most of us don’t like to show it because it makes us feel uncomfortable. Why not, be more comfortable with confusion? Because confusion can be useful. As you try to get a better understanding, it can make you think...

When we're around people we're comfortable with, all too often familiarity sets in. While familiarity has its place, too much familiarity can diminish respect. So, a) be more aware of familiarity turning into over-familiarity, and b) maintain respect when you are around people you’re comfortable with.   Until...

When we're around people we're comfortable with, all too often familiarity sets in. While familiarity has its place, too much familiarity can diminish respect. So, a) be more aware of familiarity turning into over-familiarity, and b) maintain respect when you are around people you’re comfortable with.   Until...

When you’re wrong, can you willingly admit it? It takes guts, but when you admit you are wrong and apologise, "I am sorry, I was wrong", it shows that you are taking responsibility. Admit you are wrong and you also create a culture of openness, where...

Good morning, Is that a spot on your face?  Notice a spot on your face and then no matter how good you look, at that moment, the only thing you can think about is the spot on your face! The more self-conscious you...

Good morning all, Like a caterpillar crawling from leaf to leaf, we get too comfortable with the routine of our lives.  We forget that we were born to be a butterfly. All we need to do is let go of our comfort zones,...