Boundaries in relationships can be tricky because they’re unique to each individual and don’t often make sense to others.  So it’s our responsibility to clearly draw the line, and communicate our limits and where we stand. And as relationships are not all about us, boundaries need...

We probably all have a relationship in our lives that needs some bridge building.  It’s good to remember that bridges are not built in a day, they require time and effort. Put effort into the way you connect and communicate, and step-by-step build a strong and...

Have you been putting off having that difficult conversation with someone?  Have you been making it difficult for yourself, by predicting that the conversation will be difficult, and the outcome negative? Stop putting things off.  Stop predicting that things will be difficult and negative. Instead, take...

As is your attitude, so is your experience.  If you find that your attitude towards someone is negative, it'll influence how you communicate and behave towards that person.  And as a result, your attitude will most likely reflect back to you. So, check your attitude....

It is hard to know just what to say to someone who has experienced a loss and is grieving.  Do you worry about finding the right words to express your sympathy?  Sometimes just a few simple words can communicate that you care, whether in a...

How do you deal with people who are always late?  "Sorry, running late," messages arrive before they do! Occasional lateness is acceptable but if they're always late, you might want to do something about it.  Communicate how their lateness affects you.  Discuss ways to...

Companies have mottos, a phrase that communicates their product, their unique selling point in a catchy, snappy way. So what about you? Do you have a personal motto? Having a personal motto can be a useful reminder of what's important, and it can help...

Are there conversations you've been meaning to have?  Things you have to say, resolve, clarify or communicate?  Or simply catch up and say hello. This week, decide if you want to make the conversation happen.  If yes, then: 1. Make a list of all...

We benefit from enjoying the company of the people around us.  Not only do we learn other people's life lessons but we also learn to improve our ability to communicate, tolerate and collaborate. But we don't always get to choose the company we keep. ...

If you live in a shared space, you might find that often the issue that creates tension is housework.  But like it or not, household chores need to be done.  So try to divide the chores fairly & agree on who does what around the...