Every now and then, we all have to eat a slice of humble pie. Especially when we have to face criticism, admit mistakes, ask for help...

When things go down, rise up from the ashes, like a phoenix. Here’s how: - Pick yourself up and dust yourself down - Learn from what went down and let go of what happened - Regain your enthusiasm and confidence in yourself - Renew yourself and keep trying or start...

This week, don’t just let the week pass by, do something exciting. Try a new experience, eating new foods, singing karaoke at the top of your lungs...

Every now and then, challenging situations come along.  These challenges come to test our competence, resilience and confidence.  Sometimes these tests of life are fun, almost like a trivia quiz, and sometimes they're scary, like a final exam.  But rarely do these tests come announced....

Every now and then we get caught up in life and the drama of it all. For the times when you need a break from it all, try this: Imagine you're watching the drama of your life on TV. As you watch your drama, slowly...

Do you have the confidence to turn your hand to whatever is thrown at you?  Or do you only do things when you’re absolutely certain you can do them? Why not have a go at things you've never explored or done before, or even tasks you...

Do you listen to your instincts?  Your gut instinct, your intuition is like a personal GPS that tells you how to get to your destination.  It also helps you to understand yourself and others more accurately.  So, tune in, listen and follow your instincts with...

No matter how confident we are, we all experience the occasional blip in our confidence.  The next time you need an instant boost of confidence, try this simple, quick trick: smile. Smile.  It might be tentative to start with, but as you put your heart into...

This week, stretch out of your comfort zone & try something you have never done before. Try something you've never done before & have the confidence that you can.  In turn you'll learn something new & expand your confidence.   Until da nextTyme ...

Don't slouch!  Sit up!  Stand up straight!  How many times have you heard that? Well your posture is not just a reflection of how you feel about yourself; it also affects how you feel about yourself. As you read this, what's your posture...