Here are the 3 Rs to make the relationships that matter most, easier: Roles, Rules, and Rituals. - Roles: know your specific role and what is expected of you in each relationship; otherwise there's frustration and confusion when roles are unclear. - Rules: regularly discuss and review...

Are you a good ambassador? Dignified and faultlessly polite. Building bridges and forging connections. Never bored, always interested. We may not be an ambassador of a country or a brand, but we're always representing the human race and ourselves. Be an ambassador of life. Be an...

Are you open in your conversations or do you find it challenging? When we communicate openly, we don't know how the other person will respond. This not knowing makes us feel vulnerable. Yet it's this feeling of vulnerability that allows us to make real conversations...

Most of us get caught up in events and people, local and global, famous and not so famous.  When we get caught in what is happening on the surface, often, it can make our connections shallow. If you want to develop deeper connections, go from...

Are you building bridges or creating barriers?  Not literally, but in terms of the relationships between people.  Do you choose to build better connections between people, maybe even strengthening existing ones? Especially look at the impressions you create about others to others.  Are you building...

Strong relationships & close connections are essential to our happiness, wellbeing & resilience. That's why it's important to stay in touch with people who matter to us. Drop a line, send a note or meet up. Keep others in mind & make the extra...