Do you believe others will always let you down? Holding onto this belief may make you cynical or stuck in a victim mindset. So, manage your disappointment, challenge your belief and consider whether: a) your expectations are reasonable b) you need to set better boundaries c) you can accept...

Let out a sigh and the body decompresses, releasing whatever we are holding onto.  But is a sigh, just a sigh? Well, researchers say that a sigh can be seen as an expression of overwhelm, boredom, disappointment, frustration, exhaustion...

"Don't take it personally," how often have you heard this?  When you don't take things personally, you are better able to protect yourself from feeling: hurt, disappointed, let down...

We all have expectations.  But when those expectations are not met, how do you feel?  Disappointed, stressed, frustrated?  For less disappointment, less stress, less frustration, try this: shift from expectations to explorations. Approach life, people and yourself from a place of exploration and you'll open...

We have high hopes for others.  Sounds good, but high hopes usually mean high expectations.  People rarely meet our high expectations, and when they don't, we're disappointed. So if you want less disappointment, think about lowering your high expectations and making them more realistic. ...

Good morning, Do you frequently get disappointed?  Did you know that disappointment has nothing to do with other people or situations?  Disappointment is our emotional response to an expectation that we created. So the next time you feel disappointed, check to see if...

Good morning, Do you get disappointed with yourself when you fail to meet your own high expectations and standards? The next time you fail to meet your own expectations, remove the bruise of disappointment with the balm of hope.  Recognise that the road may be...