Is what you believe about yourself, helping or hindering you? Challenge the negative assumptions you have about yourself and what you are capable of. Challenge your self-limiting beliefs and turn any unhelpful beliefs into positive, empowering beliefs.   Until da next tyme...

What are you feeding your mind, first thing in the morning? You become what you feed your mind. So, instead of feeding your mind content that triggers anxiety, nourish your mind with positive, empowering words. If you need to check the news, phone, emails or social media...

Whatever you believe is powerful. But don't believe everything you believe. Challenge what you believe about yourself, others, and your world. If what you believe is limiting, negative or simply not true, make it positive and empowering   Until Da next Tyme...

Just as we wear a face mask to protect ourselves and others, in the same way, how about wearing a mind mask to protect our positivity? Create a bit of space and distance from any negativity that comes from others, the media, and even your own...

"I have to go work." "I have to cook." “I have to...

Good morning, When we provide regular support and assistance to others, they come to rely on us and become dependent.  Dependency can be unhealthy, for us and for them. What if we were to make others less dependent on us, rather than more? ...

Good morning all, It's natural to want to help others.  But sometimes by giving people too much help, we actually make them dependent on us.  Dependency limits people from their own potential and becoming more responsible. Is the help you give to others',...