When the pressure’s on, can you keep calm and carry on? If you find it difficult to calm your anxiety, try this: turn your anxious energy into excitement. Get excited, keep going and make things happen. When the pressure’s on, what works better for you, ‘Keep...

When there's a mountain in front of you, do you view it as an inconvenience or an adventure?  View it as an inconvenience and you may find yourself complaining and struggling.  View it as an adventure and you'll explore it with excitement, curiosity and a...

Enthusiasm is a positive energy. Enthusiasm gets things done. Enthusiasm is contagious. Enthusiasm is often underrated, so how would you rate your enthusiasm?  Are you always brimming with enthusiasm, or do you curb it?  Does it flow naturally or do you need to spark and nurture...

Would you like to be a hero? Well you can be a hero in your own life.  All you need to do is believe in yourself and be your best. Then you'll want to wake up and face the day with excitement, see every...