When there are travel delays, whether it’s on buses, tubes, trains, flights, take a couple of long, slow deep breaths to help you a) relieve the frustration and b) accept the delay. Then you can c) figure out what you need to do, and d) find a way to...

When people don’t do what you want them to do, check if: a) you've clearly communicated what you expect, b) they have the skills and knowledge to do it, or c) you have different priorities. You can't make people do what you want them to do. But you can...

In moments of frustration, it’s easy to react. But rather than reacting, try to: pause first, respond second. Pause to release the frustration and then, you'll find it easier to be intentional, calm and kind in your response.   Until da next Tyme...

We have high hopes for ourselves, but when, despite our best efforts, we don't see the change we want to see in ourselves, we feel frustrated & disappointed. When you feel frustration & disappointment, say to yourself "I am good enough as I am. Things...

Delays are something we all have to encounter, whether it's buses, tubes, trains, flights. It's something we can't control, so we may as well 1) get over the frustration, 2) resolve to accept the delay, and 3) make the most of that time. If it's a...

Let out a sigh and the body decompresses, releasing whatever we are holding onto.  But is a sigh, just a sigh? Well, researchers say that a sigh can be seen as an expression of overwhelm, boredom, disappointment, frustration, exhaustion...