Get up, go to work, go home, go to bed, get up, go to work...

Happiness is something you can make happen. You can do simple things to make yourself happy. But happiness is more than a positive emotion; it's a state of being, something that is within. So, go within to experience inner happiness. Be happy and your happiness will...

Would you like to have your very own sacred space in your home? Well, you can. Find a place in your home, a corner of a room, & create a space for you. You can keep it minimal or fill it with things that inspire,...

Think of the body as your home.  Just as your home needs regular repairs, improvements and cleaning, in the same way, give the necessary time, attention and care to your body. Visit the doctor, dentist, optician when you need to. Keep fit, eat well...

How do you feel when you walk into your home?  Is there the feeling of, 'home sweet home!'? This week, explore what you can do to make your home your sanctuary (even if your home is just a room).   until da next Tyme! ...

Hey peeps, As always all good things must come to an end! My holiday is over, the peace and tranquility that I have enjoyed over the last seven days will end tomorrow. So with my last night in this little paradise,...