Life is full of drama. So, the next time things get dramatic in your life, lighten up and find the humour in the situation, if not, it’ll turn into a melodrama!    Be light and go from melodrama to enjoying the drama of life.   Until da next...

Humour not only makes you light hearted but it also makes you more resilient.  How?  Well, humour helps you to stop blowing things out of proportion, find the funny lining in a situation, and put things in perspective.  This enables you to stress less and...

Ever had an embarrassing moment?  Who hasn’t!  Was it embarrassing because there were other people around?  Have you had a similar moment when you were alone and embarrassment was nowhere to be seen? Most often, we feel embarrassed because we feel self-conscious.  We're too conscious of...

Do you have a tendency to take life and yourself a little too seriously?  Now, life is no laughing matter but life does have a sense of humour.  Find the humour and have a good laugh - at life and at yourself.  Not as a...

List the people you admire, real or fictional.  A leader from politics, business, sports….  A parent, teacher, friend….  A character from a book, movie, comic book….  What is it that you admire about these people? Certain characteristics, their intelligence, humour, creativity, kindness, hard work….?  Do...

Good morning all, Happy friday! Do you easily get uptight about things?  Is it because you're trying to control everything?  Is it because you take everything too seriously? Loosen Up.  Focus on the things that you can have an impact...