Nothing really happens by overthinking the stresses and worries in life. That's why it's important to let go. Let go of the things that are out of your hands. Put your worries down. Drop the stress. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders. And lighten...

Do you know the times in the day when you're at your most productive; the times when your focus is at its best? Know your most productive times of the day. And if possible, schedule tasks accordingly. You can schedule the challenging or the most important...

Many of us have the tendency to postpone even the most important things to the last moment. We assume we will be able to get things done later. But sometimes the unexpected intervenes and everything collapses under the added strain. When I remain focused I am...

Love is the most powerful force in the world. Today a) recognise the love in your life, b) appreciate the love others show you, and c) learn to accept love wholeheartedly. Because not knowing how to be loved undermines our self-esteem and our relationships.   Until da next tyme...

Action is important but so is inaction. It's about knowing: - when to say something and when to say nothing at all - when to keep going and when to stop - when to step in and when to step back - when to hold on and when to...

If your to-do lists are too long, and all you're feeling at the end of the day is pressure and disappointment, then try one of these simple tricks to make your to-do list more doable: - Limit yourself to accomplish three most important tasks for the...

Have you been meaning to get in touch with someone but just haven't got around to it? There are always good reasons for not getting around to it, but if it's important and meaningful to you, then make it happen today. Send an email, a text,...

Are YOU on your priority list? If so, where do you put yourself on that list? If you can't put yourself at the top of the list, then put yourself somewhere near the top. Make yourself a priority and it'll become easier to a) say no...

We all care about what other people think about us.  But really, do people think about us, that much?  Why not care more about what you think of you.  Actually, what you think of you is more important than what others think of you.  ...

What you leave out, is just as important as what you leave in - whether it's a painting, a blog, a CV, a photograph, a book, a movie, a 'Thought for Today'. Leave everything in and it gets in the way of creativity.  Crop, edit,...