"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou Of course, words and actions matter. But how you make others feel may matter even more. What impression do...

Is there something you've been meaning to do for a while? If there’s a long list of things, then maybe just pick one thing. Choose something that you really want to do, something that’s realistically possible. Now, don’t just think about it or let another week...

Apparently, the grass really does look greener on the other side because we view it from a different angle. It's an optical illusion, it appears greener but it actually isn’t. Next time you find yourself comparing yourself to someone, or thinking someone has it better than...

When you feel inspired to do something but feel nervous about the new venture, do you have enough trust in your ability to go for it? And if others tell you not to go for it, do you let them talk you out of it...

Want to be inspired by trees? Well, like a tree: 1. You are unique; so be different, and stand tall. 2. Know when to let go of all that is no longer essential. 3. Stay rooted in your values and root for everyone. 4. Let your presence refresh...

Are you easily impressed by people? Get impressed and you're likely to be influenced by them. This isn't necessarily negative, but in the process, you may lose the clarity to discern what’s right and wrong for you. Instead of getting impressed, get inspired by people. Because...

This summer of sports has reminded us how to: - be a good sport and not a sore loser - be a good spectator, a supporter, a coach and a teammate - be like the athletes, and practise and persevere, and keep raising our game and striving for...

Which teacher(s) influenced you the most? Maybe even changed your life? Teachers are everywhere, in everything and everyone. Every difficult situation, every annoying person, every health problem, every journey delay is our teacher, not just the ones who really inspired us or believed in us. Are...

Times are tough and there’s so many things happening in our world. It's times like these that we can: - Get inspired by people's spirit of generosity - Release fear and hold a positive attitude - Carry hope wherever we go - Learn to give and give again.   Until da...