Click! When you’re busy taking photos and videos, capturing life’s moments, are you actually experiencing them? Live through your eyes or a screen, you can’t do both! Maybe we can all strike a better balance between clicking and living life’s moments.   Until da next tyme...

Trying to do too much, too fast or trying to keep up with others will only leave you exhausted and unable to give your best. Like a runner, you have to find your own pace. Find what you can manage, what works for you and live...

Do you want to make more impact and make today count? Love what is, smile and laugh wholeheartedly and live boldly. It'll make you feel good, look good, and do good! Make "Live. Love. Laugh." your mantra for today, and see what happens!   Until da next Tyme...

Trying to do too much, too fast or trying to keep up with others will only leave you exhausted and unable to give your best. Like a runner, you have to find your own pace. Find what you can manage, what works for you and live...

Good morning, Take a moment and think about your day yesterday: did you live from the heart? What you couldn't do yesterday, do today! Today, live from your heart.   Until da next Tyme...

Good morning all, Happy friday! Do you easily get uptight about things?  Is it because you're trying to control everything?  Is it because you take everything too seriously? Loosen Up.  Focus on the things that you can have an impact...