Get caught up in the daily grind, and life can easily slip into ‘just life’. But life is more than ‘just life,’ isn’t it? , fall in love with your life. 1. Infuse your life with purpose and meaning, and make things meaningful. 2. Recognise the love...

Beauty isn’t only in nature and art. It's everywhere; we just need to be more present, attentive and open-minded to see it. This week, observe how people around you bring beauty into their life. Find beauty in the mundane. Acknowledge your own beauty. See beauty in...

Even though life often feels like a series of mundane activities, it’s not a life more ordinary… You can change your approach. Make it fun and turn mundane into ‘fun-done.’ Make it meaningful and turn ordinary into extraordinary. You can also change your attitude. Embrace the mundane, appreciate...

When you're doing things that feel mundane or things you don't feel like doing, ask yourself: What's the benefit of doing this? For example, when you're doing the cleaning, think of how you and others will enjoy being in a clean space. When you're exercising, think...

Sometimes life is exciting, sometimes mundane, sometimes we feel mad, sometimes sad.  Like a pendulum, we swing from one side to the other, back and forth, left to right, right to left.  This can drain our energy.  Like a pendulum, return to the centre of...