When someone is jealous of you, how do you deal with it? Well, we don’t have to let someone's insecurity or negativity get to us nor hold it against them. We can try to brush it off, take a step back from them, talk to them...

When someone is jealous of you, how do you deal with it? Well, we can always ignore it, distance ourselves from them, or positively confront them. But we can always be kind and not hold it against them, because jealousy doesn’t make someone a bad person....

When someone behaves negatively towards you, it's a challenge not to mirror their behaviour. However, the negativity is not yours, so choose not to mirror it. Instead, challenge yourself to develop a positive attitude towards them. Every time you think of them or interact with them,...

We've all heard the age-old advice: “Never go to bed angry.” Even research suggests that going to bed angry, reinforces the negativity, making it harder to shake off the emotions later. Do you follow this advice? Next time you get mad, why not, try this advice....

Darkness in a room can easily be dispelled when a light is switched on.  In the same way, when there’s negativity in your mind, flip the switch in your mind.  Switch on your positive thoughts and dispel the darkness in your mind.   Until da next Tyme...

Like the lotus flower, rise above the muddy water of negativity.  But just as the muddy roots sustain the lotus flower, let the realities of life enrich you and enable you to bloom and reach your potential, and grow into something more beautiful.   Until da next...

You wouldn't go a day without brushing your teeth, right?  Treat your mind like you treat your teeth. While you brush your teeth, how about also brushing your mind, keeping both your teeth and mind clean and healthy.  Brush away all the negativity and leave...

When you are misunderstood, it can all be too consuming & hurtful, especially if the other person negatively comments on what you said or didn't say, did or didn't do. To avoid not being consumed or hurt by it all, understand that 1)...

Whether at work, at home or at any other place, the surrounding atmosphere affects us. If the atmosphere is stressful or negative, you can choose not to absorb the stress or the negativity.  Instead, generate a calm, positive atmosphere through your calm, positive thoughts...

Good Morning , If someone behaves negatively towards you, can you have good wishes for them?  When you get affected by other people's negativity, your positivity depletes. Try to work on creating good wishes for all (especially for the negative people in your...