When you're at a crossroads in life, consider that you cannot unwind the path of the past, but you can definitely change direction now and choose the route you want to take. Also, check if you are choosing the path of convenience or the path that...

Are you able to trust that right here, right now, you are exactly where you need to be? Trust that you are on the right path. Trust the journey you are on even when you don't understand it. Trust that you are moving forward and growing...

Are you on the right path? How do you know if you are? An intuitive knowing? A feeling of excitement every morning when you get out of bed? Knowing that you are doing what you really want in life? Are there any signposts along the...

When you're going for a goal, one of the easiest ways to get there is by following the footsteps of someone who has already done it. You don't have to follow someone else’s path or replicate their every move. Simply take the inspiration that's useful to...

How do you know you're on the right path? Is it a feeling, an intuitive knowing? Are you satisfied, excited and enjoying your journey, even though you haven't reached your destination - is that a sign? Or are there other signposts along the way? Is there...