Who am I? It’s one of life's biggest questions. So would you define yourself by your work, your personality, your experiences, the roles you play...

There's research indicating that those who favour sugary foods are more likely to have a sweet personality than those who don't. So, if you favour sour, bitter, salty foods, what does that say about your personality? Well, whether there's a link between the flavours we favour...

Like a chameleon, we're always adapting to suit the environment and the changing circumstances. But if we're being someone we're not just to fit in, we undermine ourselves and lose our personal power. So, choose the colours you want to express from all the varying shades...

"Just be yourself." How many times have you heard it or said it! So, are you always yourself? What stops you from being yourself? Are you worried about how you come across to others? Are there times when you curb your personality because you want to...

You may find that the qualities & personality traits you like or dislike in others are likely to also exist in you.  Really?  Yes, people really can be your mirrors. They really can reflect back at you what you need to see about yourself -...