Have you noticed how food affects your mood? As is your food, so is your mood! Have you also noticed how your mood affects the food you cook and eat? As is your mood, so is your food! Make healthier food choices, cook with love, eat...

When someone is not at their best, don't dwell on their shortcomings. Instead, think of at least one quality or strength that you appreciate in them. And then keep this in your mind when you think of them or interact with them. Notice the best in...

The qualities and traits you see in others are most likely a reflection of the positive qualities and traits in you, as well as the things that need improving or changing.  What you see in others, most likely also exists in you. Other people really can...

You spend time with people you love, right?  Well, who do you love the most?  The right answer is, you.  So, do you spend quality time with yourself? Well, how about going on a ‘Me Date’.  You can go to a movie, eat at your favourite...

You spend time with people you love, right?  Well, who do you love the most?  The right answer is, you.  So, do you spend quality time with yourself? Well, how about going on a ‘Me Date’.  You can go to a movie, eat at your favourite...

What you give is what you get.  The quality of energy that ripples out from us is likely to return in a similar form. It might not be from the same place or the same person but you get back what you give out from...

You may find that the qualities & personality traits you like or dislike in others are likely to also exist in you.  Really?  Yes, people really can be your mirrors. They really can reflect back at you what you need to see about yourself -...

Good morning , Start to notice the worst in others and you get irritated, critical and wonder: "Why are they like this?" No one's perfect, are they?  So why dwell on anyone's shortcomings?  Why not make a genuine effort to notice the good...

Good morning all, We tend to admire people who have qualities we would like to have or do things we would like to do. Think of the people you admire - they could be a character from a book, a movie or someone...