When someone upsets or angers us, it's so easy to react out of habit and regret it later. To break this habit, stay alert and catch yourself before you react! Whether it's a difficult interpersonal interaction or an emotionally charged email, take a moment to choose...

When we put our work out there, we have no control over how people will judge or react to it. This vulnerability can be scary and stressful. If we were to 1) feel more comfortable being vulnerable and 2) let go of what people think, then...

When our buttons are pressed, we often react.  But we can, if we want, respond instead.  Respond rather than react, to make a situation better and come out better off. If you want to respond, pause before you react.  Pause to understand, then calm your reaction...

Our reactions are often a reflection of how we feel about ourselves.  When we don't feel good about ourselves, we're more likely to take things personally and react negatively. On the days you don't feel good about yourself, take a few moments to focus on...

When someone's being negative towards you, understand: 1. The negativity is not yours, so choose not to take it. 2. If you react, you feed the negativity, so act, not react. 3. There's a lesson here, about yourself, so learn it. Then determine if &...

When someone upsets you, it's so easy to react. But if you want to stop the relationship from a downward spiral, first, take care of your upset feelings.  Then extend yourself and see things from the other person's perspective. This doesn't excuse why...