We know that a digital detox is a good idea. So over the bank holiday weekend try one of the following: - Have a device-free evening - Take a break from social media for a day - Turn off your notifications on your phone for the weekend Unplug and...

Is the experience of high levels of emotional stress having an effect on your sense of empathy? If you start to notice that you're feeling indifferent or experiencing compassion fatigue, then set aside time for extra self-care. Practise self-compassion and you'll recharge your empathy levels.   Until da...

Who doesn't love a bank holiday, a long weekend and a four-day week! Imagine having a four-day workweek every week! More time to rest, relax and recharge. Surely this would lead to improved engagement and satisfaction at work. But would a shorter workweek lead to more...

If your phone’s battery is running low, you charge it up, right? Do the same with yourself. If your energy is running low, recharge your batteries. Get a little extra sleep, or do nothing, or do something different altogether...

Good Afternoon, How do you spend your lunch break?  Do you even take a lunch break? Use your precious break to recharge, and you'll be more alert to tackle the afternoon ahead. Come on, get out of the workplace and get some fresh...