When we feel disheartened, it shrinks the heart and drains our motivation. So, when you’re feeling disheartened, turn inwards and reconnect with the calm within, let this gently soothe your heart. And then, dig deep to reconnect with what truly makes your heart sing. Do this...

Build bridges, not walls and you'll open up new roads and strengthen relationships. Even when someone seems a world apart from you, continue looking for a bridge. Even when bridges have been burnt, keep trying to build a bridge. Even when the other person doesn't respond, or doesn’t...

When obstacles come your way, look beyond what's in the way to reconnect with your purpose. Look within to strengthen your faith in yourself. Look ahead to see the bigger picture. Look beyond, look within, and look ahead, and it may give you a clearer perspective...

As life happens, it's all too easy to lose touch with old friends. So, if you've been meaning to reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while, procrastinate no more. Today, contact an old friend. Send an email, a text or a card....

On your journey towards your goal, whenever you come across any hurdles and feel like giving up, ask yourself two questions: Why did I start this? Do I still want this? Reconnect with your motivation and it'll energise you to keep moving towards your goal   Until da...

When obstacles come your way, look beyond what's in the way to reconnect with your purpose. Look within to strengthen your faith in yourself. Look ahead to see the bigger picture. Look beyond, and gain perspective on a) the obstacle and why it has come, and...