Do you know when your ego is in the way? When you get upset, defensive… When you’re comparing, competing...

Trust is such an important element in relationships. Give trust, and not only do you get it back, but it also brings out the best in others.  But, it's a challenge to give trust, simply because it gets broken so easily.   Choose to believe in...

How often do you find yourself complaining about the people you work with?  Complaining does nothing positive to the mood or relationships at work. Instead of complaining about the people you work with, focus on the skills they bring to the table, and recognise their working...

We might not all have green fingers but we can certainly try to grow something.  We can start small, take care of houseplants or grow vegetables, herbs, flowers in pots.  If you really don't have green fingers, you can still nurture; nurture yourself, your health,...

Even when someone seems a world apart from you, don’t stop looking for a bridge. Even when bridges have been burnt, never stop trying to build a bridge. Even when the other person doesn't respond or want to reconnect, at least you added a brick to...

When something doesn’t sit right with you, in life or in your relationships, do you just sit on it, ignore it or resolve it? Sometimes things resolve by themselves but most of the times, things fester if you don't deal with them.  Let things fester and...

Boundaries in relationships can be tricky because they’re unique to each individual and don’t often make sense to others.  So it’s our responsibility to clearly draw the line, and communicate our limits and where we stand. And as relationships are not all about us, boundaries need...

Even though many of us have challenging and complicated relationships with our family, most of us have the intention to stay in touch.  But good intentions often get derailed as we get caught in the rhythms and routines of life. This year, you may want to...

Are you neglecting your relationships? We don’t mean to, but neglect often happens when we take our relationships for granted or get caught up in the whirlwind of life. Strong relationships are essential to our happiness & resilience. So take an inventory of your personal &...

Did you realise that your biggest opponent is always with you?  Who?  Your ego!  Ego desires recognition and control, interferes with performance and learning, likes to impress and boast, gets upset and defensive.  Ego gets in the way of your success, relationships and personal growth. Did...